Public participation is the involvement of citizens, society and non-governmental organizations in the policy-making process. The purpose of public participation is to ensure that decisions taken by public administrations are in line with the needs of the public, explained in a timely manner and comprehensible to those to whom they will apply. Public participation has a number of benefits, which are generally aimed at improving the quality of regulation - in this process the real problem is identified, possible alternatives are evaluated, possible "side effects" of regulation are identified in time, and the developed solutions are effective.

Representatives of the public can express their opinion on development planning documents, draft legal acts in the initial stage of their development, as well as in other stages when issues relevant to the public are addressed. Any member of the public who is affected or interested in the issue to be addressed may give his or her opinion. Every member of the public has the right to receive feedback on their proposal.

Public participation shall be carried out proactively by public administrations, seeking the most effective ways to involve and inform the public, in particular the public affected or likely to be affected by the proposed activity.

The procedure for public participation is regulated by: